Empowering Communities and Championing Change

In a dynamic day filled with purpose and collaboration, Her Excellency Mrs. Agyin Kefas, the esteemed First Lady of Taraba State, welcomed the Peace Advocacy Dialogue group for a courtesy visit. The group, driven by a commitment to promote peace in communities across Taraba, shared their noble mission, setting the tone for a day of impactful engagements.

Peace Advocacy Dialogue Group: Building Bridges for Harmony

The courtesy visit from the Peace Advocacy Dialogue group highlighted their dedication to fostering peace in the region. Mrs. Agyin Kefas expressed her support for their commendable efforts, recognizing the pivotal role they play in creating harmonious communities.

Empowering the Next Generation Against Gender-Based Violence

Continuing her relentless fight against gender-based violence, Mrs. Agyin Kefas hosted schools from across Taraba State. The students’ active involvement, insightful contributions, and participation in a panel session underscored the importance of empowering the next generation in the battle against GBV.

Supporting Female Artisans: Celebrating Resilience and Skill

In a significant gesture towards women’s empowerment, Mrs. Agyin Kefas took the opportunity to empower female artisans across the state. Recognizing their resilience and skills as the backbone of the community, this initiative aims to provide tangible support for their endeavors.

ICHSSA-4 Project: A Partnership for Community Well-Being

An exciting milestone was reached as Mrs. Agyin Kefas, in collaboration with USAID, flagged off the Integrated Child Health and Social Services Award (ICHSSA-4) project. As part of this initiative, women were empowered through cash transfers and startup support, marking a tangible step towards enhancing community well-being.

As the day unfolded, it became evident that Mrs. Agyin Kefas’s commitment to fostering positive change knows no bounds. Her efforts to build a Taraba where peace, empowerment, and health thrive continue to inspire and set the stage for a brighter future.

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